Category Archives: Statements

Statements by the Group of 78 or endorsed by the Group of 78.


Most peace groups see NATO as a problematic alliance because of its structure, its policies (including especially its nuclear deterrence policy), its history, or the nature of its expansion since the end of the Cold War. However different groups have different perspectives about Canadian participation in NATO. There is no single position agreed by all. The purpose of… Continue Reading WHAT WE TALK ABOUT WHEN WE TALK ABOUT NATO

Please Sign! Open Letter to Government of Canada on Climate Action

A CALL FOR MORE AMBITIOUS CLIMATE ACTION NOW In November 1981, a statement signed by 78 prominent Canadians on Canadian foreign policy was sent to Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. The statement was later published in the Globe and Mail. Since then the Group of 78 has advocated peace, justice and planetary survival through its annual policy conferences and… Continue Reading Please Sign! Open Letter to Government of Canada on Climate Action

Please Sign this Open Letter To the Prime Minister: Statement of concern on the crisis in Venezuela

The following open letter was sent to the Prime Minister of Canada today from 167 signatories and 15 Canadian organizations, concerning the crisis in Venezuela. If you would like to add your name to the letter please use the online form provided. Download letter (with the list of original signatories): English and French Pdf French Pdf English Pdf… Continue Reading Please Sign this Open Letter To the Prime Minister: Statement of concern on the crisis in Venezuela

Letter of ongoing concern from civil society regarding Saudi LAV deal

  On March 5, 2019 a large group of civil society organizations released to the media and public their open letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, calling on him to address their ongoing concern about the Saudi LAV deal. English and French version can found be found below, or download the Pdf version through the following links.… Continue Reading Letter of ongoing concern from civil society regarding Saudi LAV deal

G78 Message to Government on Support to UNRWA

The Group of 78 has written to the Minister of International Development, Mme. Marie-Claude Bibeau, commending the government on the restoration of funding to the needs of Palestinians through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, noting however that the support is less than previous levels and urging an increase in the short term. Read the full letter… Continue Reading G78 Message to Government on Support to UNRWA

Edith Fowke’s Bequest to the Group of 78

EDITH FOWKE’S BEQUEST TO THE GROUP OF 78 In early 2016, the Group of 78 was notified that it was one of ten organizations that had been named beneficiaries of a bequest from the estate of the late Edith Fowke, who died in 1996. The disbursement of the bequests was delayed for twenty years, until after the death… Continue Reading Edith Fowke’s Bequest to the Group of 78

Saudi Arms Deal: Open Letter to the Prime Minister

Open Letter to the Prime Minister April 26, 2016 The G78’s Thematic Working Group on Arms Control drafted a letter to the Prime Minister expressing our profound concern about the authorization of exports of Light Armoured Vehicles worth $15 billion to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We solicited considerable support for this letter from NGOs in the Human… Continue Reading Saudi Arms Deal: Open Letter to the Prime Minister

Group of 78 Statement on Iran

Group of 78 Statement on Iran Adopted by the Board of Directors March 26, 2013 Principal Points: Avoid the use of military force; work with other states and through international organizations – particularly the United Nations – to ensure that acts of war and violence are precluded from all avenues to resolve the outstanding issues associated with Iran.… Continue Reading Group of 78 Statement on Iran

Group of 78 Endorses WFM Benchmarks for Effective Canadian Policy in Mali

Group of 78 Endorsement of Statement by the World Federalists Movement – Canada The following statement by the World Federalist Movement – Canada was endorsed by the Group of 78 Board on March 26, 2013. G78 Endorsement of WFM Statement 2013-03-26 (PDF) Benchmarks for effective Canadian policy in Mali While Prime Minister Harper and the opposition parties have… Continue Reading Group of 78 Endorses WFM Benchmarks for Effective Canadian Policy in Mali