Twenty-fifth Anniversary Gala Dinner
Monday, May 1, 2006
Reception 6:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m.
Panorama Room, National Arts Centre, Ottawa
Speaker Presentations
Richard Harmston: Focus on International Development
Hon. Douglas Roche, O.C.: Getting the Truth Out: The Group of 78 and Nuclear Weapons
Hon. Lois M. Wilson C.C.: How Goes the United Nations?
This celebratory occasion will look both backward and forward, honouring the original Group of 78 founders and reflecting on international policy challenges that lie ahead. It will raise funds to support the work of the Group in years to come.
Speakers, each of whom is a Group of 78 founder who reflects one of the principal aims of the Group, will include:
• Richard Harmston, former Executive Director, Canadian Council for International Co-operation and South Asia Partnership
• Senator (ret.) Douglas Roche, former Canadian Ambassador for Disarmament
• Senator (ret.), the Very Reverend Lois Wilson, former Moderator, United Church of Canada and former President, the World Council of Churches
Tickets will be $78.00 per person. A charitable tax receipt will be issued for a portion of this amount.
Relatives and friends of the founders are particularly encouraged to join the celebration, as are others who share the aims and objectives of the Group.
Business attire