16Canada’s Commitment to
World Peace
Annual Policy Conference of The Group of 78
September 29-October 1, 2000
Ottawa, Canada
Conference 2000 Report (French)
Background Documents
Bruce James_- Canada Lags US Fighting Climate Change (English)
James Bruce – Le Canada devancé par les États-Unis dans la lutte en matière de changement climatique (French)
The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the Year 2000 as International year for the Culture of Peace and the decade as a whole International decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World.
“Exclusion in all its forms has a potential for violence.”
Élisabeth Barot, Patience and the Long Term
“The conclusion was that Canada has not promoted women’s equality and does not take seriously the links between gender, poverty, health and the environment, between violence and inequality, between democratic participation and good decision-making.”
Janis Alton, The Road to Peace Building: Revolutions in Progress
“Addressing the roots of insecurities means reducing the contradictions between our human security agenda and the government’s more dominant foreign policy interest: the pursuit of wealth for Canadians within a global market that by its nature creates or exacerbates insecurities.”
Ann Denholm Crosby, Canada’s Human Security Agenda: The Least We Could Do
Conference Chair: Ross Francis
Editor: Ann Young, Conference Rapporteur
Production Editors: Nancy Drozd and Tim Creery
French translation: Jean-Claude Bourgie