Canada’s New Posture in the International Arena

WHEN: Thursday, 18 January 2018 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM (EDT)

WHERE: Knox Presbyterian Church – 120 Lisgar St., Ottawa, ON

The Trudeau Government’s claim that “Canada is back” in the international arena is highly contestable. The government continues to support defence and trade policies initiated by the Harper government as well as energy policies inconsistent with the Paris Accord. There is more similarity with the Harper Government’s foreign policy than with the peacebuilding and development initiatives associated with Lester Pearson and Pierre Trudeau.

Our foreign policy panel will engage in a wide-ranging debate, to identify strengths and weaknesses, and areas of coherence or inconsistency, and to make recommendations on whether and how Canada’s foreign policy can actually be returned to its traditional posture of a more progressive player in global peacekeeping and sustainable development.

Event background PDF, Click Here


  • Roy Culpeper, Chair of the Group of 78


  • Peggy Mason, Former Canadian Ambassador for Disarmament, President of the Rideau Institute
  • Julia Sanchez, President-CEO of the Canadian Council of International Co-operation (CCIC)
  • Angella MacEwen, Senior Economist, Canadian Labour Congress and Policy Fellow, Broadbent Institute
  • Ferry de Kerckhove, Honorary Senior Fellow and part time professor at the University of Ottawa and at Glendon College, Toronto /Professionnel en residence honoraire et professeur à temps partiel à l’Université d’Ottawa et au Collège Glendon de l’Université York à Toronto

Online Registration
Tickets will also be available at the door

General Admission – $15.00
Student/Unwaged – $5.00


Ferry de Kerckhove (1947). 2d Lieutenant (ret.), Armed Corps. B.Soc. Sc. Honours, Economics, M.A. Political Science, University of Ottawa, Ph.D. Studies, Laval University,Québec. Joined the Canadian Foreign Service in September 1973. Tehran 1974-76. 1981- 85, Economic Counsellor at the Canadian Delegation to NATO. 1992-95, DCM, Moscow.1995 – Chief Air Negotiator. 96-98, Deputy Head, Policy Branch &  DG Federal-Provincial Relations. 1998-2001 High Commissioner to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. 2001-2003 Ambassador to Indonesia & East Timor. 2003 in residence, University of Ottawa.  2004 DG International Organizations & Personal representative of the Prime Minister for Francophonie.  2008-11 Ambassador to Egypt. 2011. Retired. Honorary Senior Fellow at the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa,  Fellow of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, Former Executive Vice-President and Board Member of the Conference of Defence Associations Institute. Adviser to the Canada-Arab Institute. Author of the CDA Institute’s Strategic Outlook for Canada 2016. He is a former board member of WIND Mobile Canada. He is President of Ferry de Kerckhove International Consultants Inc.


Peggy Mason is an expert on the UN, disarmament, conflict resolution and NATO. As Canada’s Ambassador for Disarmament, she represented Canada at UN disarmament forums in New York, and headed Canada’s delegation to disarmament treaty reviews in relation to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, and the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention. A member of the UN Secretary-General’s Advisory Board on Disarmament for six years, she has chaired UN expert studies on disarmament in Iraq and the regulation of small arms and light weapons. Since 1996 Mason has been involved in many aspects of UN peacekeeping training, including the development of ground-breaking principles to guide the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of former fighters, reform of UN arms embargoes, and the dramatic evolution of UN peacekeeping in the 21st century. She is currently President of the Rideau Institute, and a board member of the Group of 78.




Julia Sanchez President-CEO of the Canadian Council of International Co-operation (CCIC) since August 2011. She has extensive experience in top-level-international development management, including many years working in developing countries and with Canadian and international partners and donors.  Julia has designed and managed programs in areas such as humanitarian assistance, reconstruction, governance, democratic development, community-based economic development, international volunteering and, more recently, campaigning on climate change. She performed in a wide range of diverse postings in Canada and abroad during her 14-year career with the Centre for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI) one of Canada’s oldest and largest international development agencies. She has also worked with Oxfam-India, the Global Campaign for Climate Action (GCCA), UNHCR and USAID.

She holds a BA in Economics and Political Science, and an MA in Economics, both from McGill University. She is the co-chair of the CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE) and is currently on the board of CIVICUS. She is one of the authors of a collaborative paper “Beyond 2015: Four Radical Shifts in Canada’s Approach to Global Sustainable Development”, Centre for International Policy Studies Working Group (November 2015).


Angella MacEwen is the Senior Economist at the Canadian Labour Congress. Her primary research focus is understanding the Canadian labour market, broader economic trends, and the impacts of government policy on workers. She regularly represents the CLC at parliamentary committees and in the national media. Angella is a Research Associate with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, and a Policy Fellow with the Broadbent Institute. She is on the steering committee of the Progressive Economics forum, and a regular contributor to the PEF blog. Angella holds a MA in Economics (Dalhousie) and a BA in International Development Studies (Saint Mary’s).