G78 Conference 2023
Ottawa & Via Internet, Beginning September 26, 2023
Growing evidence suggests that warfare and violent conflict is increasing in many parts of the world. Global tensions have rarely been higher, reflected in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists moving the Doomsday Clock to 90 seconds before midnight, its highest alert ever. The UN Secretary-General states in his Our Common Agenda report, ”The world is moving closer to the brink of instability, where the risks we face are no longer managed effectively through the systems we have”. While recognizing the need to deal with underlying causes of conflict, are there actions and measures that can lower the temperature, limit actual violence and create space to build sustainable peace? What works? What must be done differently? The G78 conference will address these questions.
Objective: To explore peace practices that can effectively prevent or curtail conflict and can inform policies and strategies of intergovernmental bodies, governments, and civil society to mitigate violence.
Scope of Conference: The program will set the context by looking at fundamental causes of violent conflict and then focus on actions and practices that can be engaged to prevent or curtail violence. Presenters will examine cases and examples, whether in specific locales or under different themes where conflict has been successfully overcome. Discussions will aim to draw out lessons and recommendations to be conveyed to policy and decision-makers as well as the wider public. Some questions to be explored are:
- What constitutes success in addressing conflict – is it simply the absence of violence or the sustainable and equitable resolution of the deep origins? Is there a spectrum of success?
- How can local and small successes be scaled up to wider applications, e.g., from local to national to regional to international?
- What are the lessons for the international community to deal with inter-state conflict or major intra-state upheaval?
Format: The event will comprise a number of keynote presenters and panels over several days. All sessions will be provided online, with some also held in person in Ottawa.
Products: The conference report will include pertinent conclusions and recommendations for policy-makers in Canada and elsewhere. Video recordings of the presentations and discussions of effective peacebuilding and conflict-preventing actions will be posted on-line for wide public viewing.
Further Information: Full conference information is available on its website, including the Program, Speakers, and how to Register: https://group78.org/programs/annual-conference/2023-conference/.
August 2023