Globalization and Its Discontents
The annual policy conference of The Group of 78
Cantley, Québec
October 1-3, 1999
Conference 1999 Final Report (English)
Conference 199 Final Report (French)
Members of the Conference Coordinating Committee: The retiring co-chair, Debbie Grisdale, who presided over the Ottawa office during the summer and supervised the organizational efforts; co-chair Tim Creery (largely in absentia preparing a special conference issue of Newslink) and other members of the coordinating committee: Nancy Drozd, Ted English, Ross Francis, Geoffrey Pearson, Michael Shenstone, Ken Williamson, and Christopher Young.
Executive Secretary: Dee Welch, who carried the administrative burden of the conference and its preparations, with some important help from G78 Treasurer Nancy Drozd.
Moderators of Panels and Discussion Groups: Marion Dewar and Peggy Teagle for the panels; and Debbie Grisdale, Nancy Gordon, Ken Williamson, and Ross Francis for the discussions.
Reporting: Arch MacKenzie, who was rapporteur for the conference and put together this report. The Group also thanks the assistant rapporteurs for their excellent work: Dylan Reid, a young historian; Paul Williams, a graduate student in public administration at Carleton University; and Sherri Horning and Stephan Paape, both students at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs.
Background Papers: Ross Francis.
Financial Contributions: The conference was made possible by generous grants from the John Holmes Fund administered by the Canadian Centre for Foreign Policy Development located in the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, and from the International Development Research Centre.
Co-Chairs of The Group of 78: Marion Dewar and Tim Creery