Today the same technologies that brought us the Internet and are transforming medicine are reshaping food and farming systems. Smart tractors know where they are in the field and plant the right seed in the right place and give it the right amount of fertilizer, robotic milkers boost productivity while maintaining herd health and reduce potentially harmful inputs… Continue Reading Webinar April 6 – The Role of Innovation and Technology in Feeding the Future
Canada is currently undertaking a review of its General Preferential Tariff and the Least Developed Country (LDC) Tariff. At stake is whether Canada will continue to treat exports from female-intensive and growth-promoting industries favorably or not. Canada’s highest-value industrial imports from developing countries are in many cases apparel. LDCs Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Nepal have benefitted from a growth-promoting… Continue Reading View Video of Canada’s Review of General Preferential Tariffs & Feminism
Find out during our February webinar, with Bruce Campbell and Jason MacLean, as they discuss how Big Oil’s regulatory capture practices are preventing Canada from meeting the UN Climate Targets. Bruce Campbell is the editor of “Corporate Rules: The Real World of Business Regulation in Canada: How government regulators are failing the public interest,” James Lorimer, 2022. He… Continue Reading Watch the video: Canada can’t reach UN Climate Targets. Why not?
In November and December 2022, two crucial international conferences were held—one (COP- 27), at Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, on the climate crisis; and the second (COP-15), at Montreal, on the biodiversity crisis. The issues discussed at these two gatherings are intimately related; they both focus on the survival of the planet as we know it. While there were… Continue Reading Watch the video: “What did two COPS Conferences achieve? Where did they fail?”
On October 5, the Group of 78 will host a webinar to explore diplomatic approaches to ending the fighting and to addressing the conflicts at the core of the fighting. Guest speaker Ernie Regehr will draw on insights from his decades of work on peacebuilding including his Resolving Conflict: Why peace cannot be won on the battlefield (2015) to explore pathways to a sustainable and just peace between Russia and Ukraine. Continue Reading Video – War in Ukraine: Possibilities for a Peace Settlement
On October 5, the Group of 78 will host a webinar to explore diplomatic approaches to ending the fighting and to addressing the conflicts at the core of the fighting. Guest speaker Ernie Regehr will draw on insights from his decades of work on peacebuilding including his Resolving Conflict: Why peace cannot be won on the battlefield (2015) to explore pathways to a sustainable and just peace between Russia and Ukraine. Continue Reading War in Ukraine: Possibilities for a Peace Settlement
Overarching point: the proposed strategic framework is inadequate. – We are delighted the Federal Government has decided to hold consultations in framing a National Climate Adaptation Strategy for Canada. We address the following overarching issues raised by the discussion paper. Overall, our view is that the proposed elements of a draft strategy are inadequate because… Continue Reading CANADA’S NATIONAL ADAPTATION STRATEGY
With gratitude and sadness, the Group of 78 acknowledges the passing of Patrick Watson, one of the “original 78” who signed the statement to the Prime Minister on Canadian foreign policy in 1981 that led to the creation of our Organization. Patrick Watson was a pioneering icon of Canadian broadcasting whose creativity and views were an invaluable contribution to Canadian public life over more than 50 years. The Group of 78 is grateful that the vision he shared with others 40 years ago is still strong and active today. We offer our condolences to his family. Continue Reading Group of 78 acknowledges the passing of Patrick Watson
The Group of 78 is proud to announce its annual conference for 2022, Transforming International Finance: toward Economic, Social and Planetary Justice. The global context for this conference is shifting profoundly. The weaknesses of the international financial order have not been resolved since they were exposed in the crisis of 2007-08. Debt distress is afflicting a growing number of countries in the Global South as well as households and businesses everywhere. Such problems will be exacerbated by the post-pandemic wave of stagflation, or more accurately, the evident policy response in the form of sharply higher interest rates. Global trade is being upended as a result of the Russia-Ukraine war. Moreover, failure to address the existential threat posed by the climate crisis make all other international problems, save the threat of nuclear war, seem trivial in comparison. In this larger context, transforming international finance will be necessary, if not sufficient, to secure economic, social and planetary justice. Continue Reading Registration is open! G78 Annual Policy Conference September 23-30, 2022
Last week, the federal government launched a consultation process to help bring together a national climate adaptation strategy for Canada by November, in time for COP-27, the next global climate conference to be held in Egypt. Building resilience against climate disasters will be high on the agenda. Continue Reading Time to Adapt to the Climate Crisis: Weekend storm shows this work can’t stay on back burner, says John Stone