Letter to Minister of Foreign Affairs calling for Saudi arms export investigation

July 3, 2018 The Honourable Chrystia Freeland Minister of Foreign Affairs 125 Sussex Drive Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G2 Email: chrystia.freeland@international.gc.ca Re: Call for independent, external review into reports of misuse of Canadian military exports by Saudi Arabia Dear Minister Freeland, As civil society organizations with expertise and long-standing interest in strengthening Canada’s arms export controls, we are writing… Continue Reading Letter to Minister of Foreign Affairs calling for Saudi arms export investigation

Posted by: Sarah Bowles

Letter to Justin Trudeau: Time to support our PM

Peace. Justice. Survival.       11 June, 2018 The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau Office of the Prime Minister 80 Wellington Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2 Email: justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca; pm@pm.gc.ca   Dear Prime Minister, On behalf of the Group of 78, I am writing to commend you for your bold and forthright stance at the recent G7 meeting, in… Continue Reading Letter to Justin Trudeau: Time to support our PM

Posted by: Sarah Bowles

Letter to the PM stating our concerns about the shooting of Palestinians by the IDF

Peace. Justice. Survival. Paix. Justice. Survie.   17 May, 2018 The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau Office of the Prime Minister 80 Wellington Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2 Email: justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca; pm@pm.gc.ca   Dear Prime Minister, On behalf of the Group of 78, I am writing to express support for your criticism of the excessive and unjustifiable use of force… Continue Reading Letter to the PM stating our concerns about the shooting of Palestinians by the IDF

Posted by: Sarah Bowles

Subscribe to the new Group of 78 Podcast

The group of 78 has been busy recording all of our events.  Subscribe to our podcast so you don’t miss new episodes as they become available. Episode 1: Iran, the US, and the Regional Crisis Ambassador Seyed Hossein Mousavian talks about the complexities of the bilateral relationship between Iran and the US, and will shed light on regional issues from different views,… Continue Reading Subscribe to the new Group of 78 Podcast

Posted by: Sarah Bowles

May 29, 2018 Luncheon Speaker Series Featuring Irvin Waller – How can Canada regain its reputation as a world leader on caring and safe communities?

  Tuesday May 29, 2018 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Palais Imperial Restaurant, 311- 313 Dalhousie St., Ottawa       RESERVATIONS:Group78@group78.org  613-565-9449 ext. 22 by Friday, May 25, 2018 **************************************************** Canada and world leaders committed to reducing violence against women and street violence when they endorsed the UN Sustainable Development Goals in 2015. Scientific evidence has identified how… Continue Reading May 29, 2018 Luncheon Speaker Series Featuring Irvin Waller – How can Canada regain its reputation as a world leader on caring and safe communities?

Posted by: Sarah Bowles

Special Speaker Series: Iran, the US and the Regional Crisis, April 19th

WHEN: Thursday, 19 April 2018 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM (EDT) WHERE: Knox Presbyterian Church – 120 Lisgar St., Ottawa, ON Ambassador Seyed Hossein Mousavian will talk about the complexities of the bilateral relationship between Iran and the US, and will shed light on regional issues from different views, pointing the way forward necessary to foster sustainable peace… Continue Reading Special Speaker Series: Iran, the US and the Regional Crisis, April 19th

Posted by: Sarah Bowles

CDN. Peacekeepers Stuck on Sidelines – Peggy Mason on Power & Politics

Peggy Mason, Rideau Institute President and Executive Member of The Group of 78, talks with Terry Milewski on CBC’s Power and Politics about what’s behind Canada’s continued reneging on its UN peacekeeping commitments. Check out the video!

Posted by: Sarah Bowles

Book Launch – A United Nations Renaissance: What the UN is, and what it could be

  John Trent and Laura Schnurr will launch their new book, titled “A United Nations Renaissance: What the UN is, and what it could be” on February 9, 2018. They have been busy writing a book over the past couple years — it’s a small book about a big topic! In a nutshell, it’s about how we can better manage… Continue Reading Book Launch – A United Nations Renaissance: What the UN is, and what it could be

Posted by: Sarah Bowles

Making Sense of the Russia Trump Media Circus

Are Russia’s alleged transgressions so disproportionately more serious than those of other international actors, to justify this western hostility? After examining the available evidence, Prof. Bienefeld will argue that any Canadian truly concerned with creating a world in which international law will play a significant and effective role in protecting sovereign nations from hostile diplomatic, financial, informational or military interventions in their internal affairs, should focus on opposing the increasingly provocative and dangerous policies of NATO and its main western supporters, especially the U.S. and Canada. Continue Reading Making Sense of the Russia Trump Media Circus

Posted by: Sarah Bowles

How can Canada regain its reputation as a world leader on caring and safe communities?

Canada has failed to demonstrate leadership in crime prevention. Compared to other G7 countries than the USA, Canada has a rate of homicide double their average and the homicide rate for Indigenous People is seven times that of non-Indigenous. Overseas, rapid increases in aid expenditures on policing, poorly trained and paid, is still common and not matched by equivalent targeted social investments. Continue Reading How can Canada regain its reputation as a world leader on caring and safe communities?

Posted by: Sarah Bowles