Category Archives: Conference

G78 announces Annual Policy Conference Dates

The Group of 78’s Annual Policy Conference is scheduled to take place on September 27 and 28, 2024. The theme of the conference is Citizens Confront Climate Crisis. The program will soon be posted. Registration and location information will be posted as available. Can’t wait to ‘see you in September’.

Conference Playlist now available on YouTube

We’ve been busy since the conference officially ended on Monday, downloading, editing, and uploading the webinars to YouTube. Our playlist is accessible through the button below.

Hard at work…

The conference is over, but our work is not. With thanks to our moderators, speakers, and rapporteurs for their work during our 2023 Conference, we are busy crafting our report that will outline our recommendations for policy related to Preventing and Stopping Violence: Effective Actions to Curtail Conflict. Look for it on our website and social media soon!

Registration is open! G78 Annual Policy Conference September 23-30, 2022

The Group of 78 is proud to announce its annual conference for 2022, Transforming International Finance: toward Economic, Social and Planetary Justice. The global context for this conference is shifting profoundly. The weaknesses of the international financial order have not been resolved since they were exposed in the crisis of 2007-08. Debt distress is afflicting a growing number of countries in the Global South as well as households and businesses everywhere. Such problems will be exacerbated by the post-pandemic wave of stagflation, or more accurately, the evident policy response in the form of sharply higher interest rates. Global trade is being upended as a result of the Russia-Ukraine war. Moreover, failure to address the existential threat posed by the climate crisis make all other international problems, save the threat of nuclear war, seem trivial in comparison. In this larger context, transforming international finance will be necessary, if not sufficient, to secure economic, social and planetary justice.  Continue Reading Registration is open! G78 Annual Policy Conference September 23-30, 2022


The report emanates from the Group of 78’s 2021 annual policy conference, which brought together experts on infrastructure, health, food and agriculture, municipal planning, and finance. They discussed how communities and households could bolster their adaptation to a world in which temperatures in some regions could rise considerably more than 3 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Such actions must be taken alongside measures to mitigate, or slow down, rising temperatures. However, the reality is that both in Canada and most of the world, adaptation has been critically neglected in contrast to mitigation. Continue Reading Annual Conference Report – ADAPTATION: BUILDING RESILIENCE IN THE CLIMATE EMERGENCY

G78 Recommends Action to Adapt to Climate Change in Letter to the Prime Minister

The following letter was sent to the Prime Minister as well as the Ministers of Global Affairs, Finance (& Deputy Prime Minister), Environment & Climate Change, International Development, Trade Agriculture, Health, Infrastructure, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, and Natural Resources Canada, requesting action with the recommendations from our 2021 Annual Policy Conference. Continue Reading G78 Recommends Action to Adapt to Climate Change in Letter to the Prime Minister

2021 Key Messages and Policy Recommendations: Adaptation Building Resilience in the Global Climate Emergency

Overarching Messages: As the climate becomes increasingly destructive of lives, property and biodiversity, it is abundantly clear that human communities must act with urgency—must adapt—to protect themselves from further devastation. Climate change adaptation refers to adjustments in ecological, social, or economic systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli and their impacts. In simple terms, countries, communities… Continue Reading 2021 Key Messages and Policy Recommendations: Adaptation Building Resilience in the Global Climate Emergency

2021 Policy Conference Outline

    Adaptation       Building Resilience in the Global Climate Emergency  Outline Pdf It is abundantly clear that the climate is changing with profound impacts on our environment, economy, society and our security. The main cause is human activity, primarily as a result of two centuries of greenhouse gas emissions from the production and consumption of fossil fuels. It… Continue Reading 2021 Policy Conference Outline

2020 Policy Forum – September 24-October 4, 2020 Recordings

Our 2020 Policy Forum, The Future of Peacekeeping in the Transition to a More Peaceful World: Why UN peace operations are critical and need to be expanded, videos are available for viewing. Given the impending American election and its potentially dramatic foreign policy implications, we are now planning our Conclusions and Recommendations webinar for early to mid-November. Please… Continue Reading 2020 Policy Forum – September 24-October 4, 2020 Recordings

2018, G78 Conference Report and Policy Recommendations has been Released

Ottawa December 3, 2018 The Group of 78 (G78) is a non-governmental organization, founded in 1981, dedicated to the promotion of a progressive foreign policy based on principles of sustainable peace, justice, and global survival in the face of contemporary challenges. Its report Meeting the Climate Challenge: Accelerating the Transition to a Post-Carbon World, G78 Conference Report and… Continue Reading 2018, G78 Conference Report and Policy Recommendations has been Released