Register using the big red button below for a Virtual Luncheon with the Group of 78 and Fergus Watt on Wednesday, May 22 from 12:55 to 2 PM ET via Zoom.
Our speaker is Fergus Watt who is speaking about Prospects for Ambitious Reform of the United Nations. Fergus’s remarks will focus on the current state of play regarding the intergovernmental preparations for the Summit, including negotiations on elements of the “Pact for the Future,” as well as the work of civil society in advancing an ambitious reform agenda for the United Nations system.
Fergus Watt served for 36 years as Executive Director of the World Federalist Movement – Canada. In 2021 he stepped away from active involvement with WFMC to focus fully on the work of the Coalition for the UN We Need (C4UN), where he coordinates the Coalition’s small seven-member Secretariat. C4UN serves as a global platform for civil society engagement worldwide in the follow-up to the UN Secretary-General’s Our Common Agenda report, and the September 2024 Summit of the Future.