Climate Stomp! September 29, 7-11pm

Cartier Place Suite Hotel 180 Cooper St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Please join us at our upcoming event: Climate Stomp! Hosted by the Group of 78. This evening will include live music, dancing, fundraising activities, appetizers, and a cash bar! This is a free event, so invite friends and family to join us for a night of singing and dancing. Donations are greatly appreciated at the door. Donations of $20 and over will… Continue Reading Climate Stomp! September 29, 7-11pm


Oil and World Politics- Canada Plays the Oil Game too

St. Paul's Eastern United Church 473 Cumberland St, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Petroleum geopolitics are complex. When clashes and conflicts occur, they are multi-dimensional. Foster's book "Oil and World Politics. The real story of today's conflict zones: Iraq, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Ukraine, and more" explores pieces of the multi-faceted puzzle in the dark world of petroleum and fits them together.

$5 – $15

Making Sense of the Russia Trump Media Circus

Palais Imperial Restaurant 311- 313 Dalhousie St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Are Russia’s alleged transgressions so disproportionately more serious than those of other international actors, to justify this western hostility? After examining the available evidence, Prof. Bienefeld will argue that any Canadian truly concerned with creating a world in which international law will play a significant and effective role in protecting sovereign nations from hostile diplomatic, financial, informational or military interventions in their internal affairs, should focus on opposing the increasingly provocative and dangerous policies of NATO and its main western supporters, especially the U.S. and Canada.

$5 – $30.00