North Korea After the Winter Olympics

Palais Imperial Restaurant 311- 313 Dalhousie St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Group of 78 Luncheon Speaker Series Marius Grinius North Korea After the Winter Olympics (event PDF) Speaker's Notes (PDF)  Tuesday January 30, 2018  12:00 p.m.  Palais Imperial Restaurant,  311- 313 Dalhousie St., Ottawa   $30 for luncheon and presentation (12:00 p.m.) $5 for presentation only (arrive 12:45 p.m. Coffee and tea will be available)  RESERVATIONS:  613-565-9449 ext. 22 by… Continue Reading North Korea After the Winter Olympics

Book Launch – A United Nations Renaissance: What the UN is, and what it could be

Army Officers’ Mess 149 Somerset St. W, Ottawa, ON, Canada

  John Trent and Laura Schnurr will launch their new book, titled "A United Nations Renaissance: What the UN is, and what it could be" on February 9, 2018. They have been busy writing a book over the past couple years -- it's a small book about a big topic! In a nutshell, it's about how we can better manage… Continue Reading Book Launch – A United Nations Renaissance: What the UN is, and what it could be

Syrian Refugees – No Relief in Sight

Palais Imperial Restaurant 311- 313 Dalhousie St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Dr. Baudouin will argue that since the solution to Syria problem is nowhere in sight, it is time to look into the possibility of integrating the refugees to the existing societies by provide training, help finding jobs and provide job security.

$5 – $30.00