Making Sense of the Russia Trump Media Circus

Palais Imperial Restaurant 311- 313 Dalhousie St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Are Russia’s alleged transgressions so disproportionately more serious than those of other international actors, to justify this western hostility? After examining the available evidence, Prof. Bienefeld will argue that any Canadian truly concerned with creating a world in which international law will play a significant and effective role in protecting sovereign nations from hostile diplomatic, financial, informational or military interventions in their internal affairs, should focus on opposing the increasingly provocative and dangerous policies of NATO and its main western supporters, especially the U.S. and Canada.

$5 – $30.00

The Division of America: Looking ahead after the 2018 Midterm Elections

Palais Imperial Restaurant 311- 313 Dalhousie St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

In all likelihood, the Democrats will retake the House of Representatives in the November 6th elections. That will set the stage for an even more divisive atmosphere in Washington, as the Democrats will now be empowered to pass legislation in Congress that reflects their values and concerns. Will the 116th Congress look to heal wounds and find ways to build bridges or will it further entrench the two tribes? What will be the impact on Canada? For the global rules of order?

$5 – $30.00

Bolsonaro in Power: The Why, The Ugly, and The Foggy

Palais Imperial Restaurant 311- 313 Dalhousie St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Jair Bolsonaro was sworn in as President of Brazil on January 1st. An ultra-conservative, bitter, prejudiced and verbally aggressive admirer of Brazil’s military regime, he had been on the political and ideological fringe for more than two decades but now finds himself as the head of one of the world’s largest countries, whether by territory, population or the economy. His election, last October, was met the world over by shrill warnings of fascism and hair-raising comparisons with the Philippines’ Rodrigo Duterte, and Chile’s Augusto Pinochet—whom he praised during the campaign.

$5 – $30.00