July 6, 2021 Recording – Community Owned Renewable Energy


We don't have to wait for government, private industry, or institutional investors to finance the transition to renewable energy and green technology. Citizens and local communities can act by pooling their money and facilitate the climate action we need. The Ottawa Renewable Energy Cooperative (OREC) is a proven local for-profit energy cooperative that has a track record of building new generation assets, attracting growing membership while paying regular dividends. This webinar will discuss the experience of OREC as an alternative model to help us achieve Canada's zero net carbon target.


August 10, 2021 Recording – NATO: Solution or Problem?

The Taliban are advancing in Afghanistan; Libya remains in a state of chaos; and NATO enlargement has heightened tensions on Europe's eastern borders - NATO's record in the past two decades is not looking particularly good. Nonetheless, at its most recent summit, the alliance broadened its horizons, speaking in terms of containing China - a state far removed from the North Atlantic. In light of these developments, Professor Paul Robinson of the University of Ottawa will discuss whether NATO is a solution to problems of international security or whether it is itself one of the problems.


September 14, 2021 Recording – A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency


The world is not on a path to meet greenhouse gas emission targets to hold global warming to a 1.5 degree increase and avoid climate catastrophe. How are we ever to do this--is it even possible? We need radical systemic change to the way we live and work--during this decade. The world climate conference to be held in November (COP26) will be a crucial test of the world's willingness and ability to meet this huge challenge. To tackle this enormous issues Seth Klein will present insights from his new book, "A Good War".
